Through non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, Al Paldrok alias Anonymous Boh has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Boh has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Boh, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA’S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes.
Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet
By obtaining its reputation as an alternative, Boh, has swooped onto the global art landscape without looking back. Performances, art tours organized in tens of cities across Europe, Asia and America have turned the notoriously alternative Non Grata into a creative collective who are much better known elsewhere than in Estonia. Their experience is not a subject much talked about, although artistic activity transcending boundaries of art and countries is today’s artist’s most desirable self-realization.
Estonian Anonymous Boh (Al Paldrok) has been active from 1992 on a frameless territory where an art object has seized to exist as a physical piece. The space has many dimensions upon which the activity has been built. Running the performance group Non Grata actually means creating a certain kind of school, Art of The Invisibles, which can be characterized by features as structured chaos, performances in arbitrary environments and interiors.
Raivo Kelomees, Estonia
“Al is a grizzly bear with a chain saw in a jack in the box. As dangerous and amusing as that sounds, he’s unpredictable, boundless and one step ahead of all who surround him. His stories are real, his madness is real. Just grab hold and enjoy the ride, this journey has many twists and turns and sometimes there are no roads.”
Andy Cook, Musician and publisher, California
Al Paldrok alias Anonymous Boh on loonud peatumatute ülemaailmsete tuuride, performance`ite, näituste ja publikatsioonidega ühe kõige esinduslikuma, märkimisväärsema, ajakohasema ja transformatiivsema kunstiliikumise ajaloos. Juhina on Boh nagu meie ajastu Wild Bill Hickok, P. T. Barnum, Alfred Jarry, Tristan Tzara, Ezra Pound või Orson Welles. Boh, kes rakendab kõiki kunstimeediumeid vahenditena Non Grata Diverse Universe’i globaalsetes performance`ites, näitab meile mitte ainult seda, kus me hetkel oleme, vaid ka loob meile hiljem mõistetavaid visioone postapokalüptilisest absurdsusest mänglevalt kaleidoskoopilisel maastikul.
Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet
"Anonymous Boh tegutseb juba aastaid raamidevälisel territooriumil, kus kunstiobjekt on lakanud olemast füüsiline teos. Etenduskunstigrupi Non Grata kureerimine tähendab omamoodi koolkonna loomist, mida on iseloomustanud performance´id juhuslikes keskkondades ja interjöörides. Eestis alternatiivse kuulsuse omandanud Boh on Non Grataga sööstnud tagasi vaatamata globaalsele kunstimaastikule. Kümnetes linnades teostatud performance´id, kunstituurid Euroopas, Aasias ja Ameerikas on teinud alternatiivimainega nongratakatest sõltumatu loomekollektiivi, kes on mujal tuntumad kui Eestis," kirjutas Raivo Kelomees.